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Rag-Bag Thoughts

Yesterday our Processional Cross was adorned with bay leaves as a sign of Christ's victory, today, on the feast of our Lady of Sorrows, a single candle burns at its foot to remind us of Mary faithfully keeping watch. One wonders what her thoughts were as she gazed on her dying Son, how great the sense of loss must have been. The sacrifice of Mary bears thinking about, as well as her unequalled faith and trust. Probably there isn't one of us who doesn't know that something we have achieved has been through another's sacrifice: parents who made it possible for us to have a good education, a husband or wife whose own career interests have been placed on hold so that we can pursue ours, a community member who has sacrificed great personal gifts for the sake of building up the community. This is a good day to think about these things, give thanks for them and pray for the gift of generosity ourselves.