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Online Community

As some of you know, Digitalnun has been beavering away in the small hours trying to get the relaunch of our web site ready for sometime this side of eternity. One of the questions we want to address concerns online community. While we believe that monastic communities need to expand into cyberspace and have planned a number of developments which we hope will help in that regard, it is a valid criticism that a lot of what one finds on the net today is spiritually a bit lacking in substance. We are not in the business of purveying “monasticism lite” so there is an obvious challenge for us. We have thought about conducting an online survey, but the way in which the questions are phrased tends to colour the replies; so we have settled for the straightforward approach.

If you have time and inclination, we would be very interested to know
  • what you hope to obtain from interaction with our community (or indeed, any monastic community)
  • what you would like to see added to/subtracted from our online presence.
Those questions should be general enough to set you thinking!

Support our Catholic Press
We are great admirers of traditional media and the efforts of Catholic publishers to encourage active involvement in the life of the Church and civil society. When did you last buy a Catholic newspaper or magazine? Why not try "The Universe" this week-end? We have reason to believe you may see a familiar hand or paw at work. (Please stop this shameless commercialism. Ed.)